Crossroads of Fantasy and Reality

From books, gaming, and hobbies, there are many ways to find fantasy in our lives

Dealing with Obstacles Laurie Trueblood Dealing with Obstacles Laurie Trueblood

Refusal of the Call - Why Do We Reject Our Dreams?

Why do you give up on your dreams? We get an exciting idea but find excuses instead of pursuing it. Why do you turn your back on your passions, and what happens if you give up on your dreams for good? Using Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, this Refusal of the Call is an important step in our journey to a life of adventure, as we face our fears, and become the heroes that we are meant to be.

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Anger as an Area of Effect Spell

Anger begets anger. Our brains radiate their emotional condition outward, much like a wizard casting an area of effect spell in D&D. Looking at Dungeons and Dragons for clues on personal development, is our anger really like casting the Radiance of the Dawn? And are we damaging others when casting our personal anger spells or is it just an emotional radiance that causes no harm?

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Dealing with Obstacles, General Gorgan Ng Dealing with Obstacles, General Gorgan Ng

Help and Tips for Obsession, From My Experience with Collecting Pokemon Cards

From that first booster pack, I became a fan of Pokemon TCG. But with the release of new sets, I became Pokemon obsessed. I was afraid of missing out and my passion led to intrusive thoughts. My mind was always on ways to buy and collect Pokemon cards. But I needed to learn how to deal with obsessive thoughts. Here are practical tips on what I learned in my journey in how to overcome obsession.

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Want to Be Successful? Stop Being Your Worst Enemy

Self-sabotage is a vicious cycle where we attack ourselves and limit our abilities to create our best future. How do we define self-sabotaging behavior and why do we do it? Are the signs of self-sabotaging and most importantly, how do we stop ourselves from doing it so that we can become successful and live a better life?

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What’s the Problem with Positivity?

Everywhere you look, sites are promoting the power of positivity. We hear about all the great benefits from lower stress to better physical immunity. But sometimes, that positivity just feels wrong. Why is it is that sometimes being around positive people can make us unhappy?

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Why Don’t We Trust Others

Can Dungeons and Dragons help us to trust others? Faced with a mysterious NPC, many of us immediately become suspicious and wary. What are the reasons we don’t trust others and can we learn how to trust someone? And what if they as suspicious of us, are we seen as trustworthy in their eyes? The question of can RPGs help us trust others is yes, if we are willing to learn how to trust others, including ourselves.

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Mindset and Purpose, Dealing with Obstacles Laurie Trueblood Mindset and Purpose, Dealing with Obstacles Laurie Trueblood

10 Ways to Get out of the Quicksand of Procrastination

How to stop procrastinating and get things done? We’ve all been there. A big project and the deadlines are looming, but we’re dragging our feet. We know we need to get to work but the struggle to get motivated and started feels like trying to walk through quicksand. Here are 10 ways to overcome procrastination to help you get unstuck and back on track.

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General, Self-Care and Healthy Habits Laurie Trueblood General, Self-Care and Healthy Habits Laurie Trueblood

20 Reasons Why We Buy Video Games that We Don’t Play

I’m addicted to buying video games. I'll be looking forward to this amazing title, but then I keep buying games and not playing them. I tell myself, I’m not going to get any more until I finish what is in my library. But every Steam sale, I end up buying games I never play. Many players have libraries full of games that have never even been installed. So why don’t we play the games we buy?

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The Mask of Accommodation: Confessions of a People Pleaser

I am a people pleaser. Making others happy shouldn’t be a bad thing. After all, what’s the danger of being a people-pleaser? But it means losing yourself, almost entirely. Why am I a people pleaser? It’s a habit that I can’t shake. These are my confessions, the confessions of a people pleaser. And what recovery and authenticity mean to those, like myself, that are trying to find their way back.

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“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

– George Eliot